Blogging or Blogs
Based on my own experience, I am convinced that for any artist photographer or movie maker it is vital to have a
The activity of writing a blog has evolved from a mere diary to a publishing platform and a way to promote my photographic personal work but also serves as an educational tool that allows me to write about art, photography, movie making and such, and offer free technical information to other photographers, this helps me promote my own brand and is a marketing tool for my photography work.
Regardless of whether you are an emerging photographer or a professional photographer, having your own blog is a vital tool that will help you in your growth as an artist and to establish your own brand as a photographer.

Here you are the advantages that offer you as a photographer to have a blog
“Blogging” helps you learn from others as you educate –
If you’re an emerging photographer it does not matter, there are thousands out there who are going through initiating birth pain, your advice can be of extraordinary value to them. Use your blog to reach a diverse market in all parts of the world, with insights coming from different perspectives, unimaginable just a few decades ago.
“Blogging” allows you to create a network of contacts–
The contacts to whom I write regularly, who buy my photographs and who follow my steps in social networks and events are my best asset. Here I have the largest pool of friends, additionally clients that you can imagine. People connect with people. That is proof of the loyalty that you can achieve if you respect, reciprocate with valuable information and value your followers.
“Blogging” helps you to expose the world to your way of seeing it–
Also writing in a blog gives you the opportunity to expose others to your artistic point of view. Show your style, Show your art and photographs.
Having a blog allows you to develop your personal brand –
The personal brand is what makes someone unique. It goes beyond one’s artistic style and is the sum of many things such as personality, values and talents. Writing in a blog will help you find your own voice and share it with the rest of the world. Although it takes time to define your own voice, even more to establish and cultivate it, it is not difficult to achieve it.
Having a blog allows you to experiment –
When you create your portfolio of photos following the guidelines established to be successful you are limited by established rules. You can only publish your best photographic work. You have to define a theme, a story, there has to be an order among other things.
Whereas at a blog, this platform allows you to expose your best photographic work without schemes that encase you, instead market as you wish, innovate without having to wonder whether it would go well as when showing a portfolio. You can experiment with new approaches and take risks and learn how your audience perceives your work.
Search Engine Optimisation
In addition to Search Engine Optimisation, having a blog allows you to showcase the classic social sharing buttons including Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter to invite your readers to share your work with their friends, giving you even more visibility. It is through such your work can go viral, bringing more business interests.

Blogging Photography
I don’t just write about art, I write also on the subject of photography, photographers, cameras and the production on taking fabulous photographs.
Blogging Filmmakers
Lastly I write about arthouse movies, which I have recently watched, exploring deeper into the mind of the director and what hidden stories are being told under all the layers.
Alejandro Jodorowsky – Holy Mountain
Blogging Art
I’m not a
This article was proofread by Laila Khan, our new appointed proofreader